1,524 research outputs found

    A renormalization approach for the 2D Anderson model at the band edge: Scaling of the localization volume

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    We study the localization volumes VV (participation ratio) of electronic wave functions in the 2d-Anderson model with diagonal disorder. Using a renormalization procedure, we show that at the band edges, i.e. for energies E≈±4E\approx \pm 4, VV is inversely proportional to the variance \var of the site potentials. Using scaling arguments, we show that in the neighborhood of E=±4E=\pm 4, VV scales as V=\var^{-1}g((4-\ve E\ve)/\var) with the scaling function g(x)g(x). Numerical simulations confirm this scaling ansatz

    Absence of localization in a disordered one-dimensional ring threaded by an Aharonov-Bohm flux

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    Absence of localization is demonstrated analytically to leading order in weak disorder in a one-dimensional Anderson model of a ring threaded by an Aharonov-Bohm (A-B) flux. The result follows from adapting an earlier perturbation treatment of disorder in a superconducting ring subjected to an imaginary vector potential proportional to a depinning field for flux lines bound to random columnar defects parallel to the axis of the ring. The absence of localization in the ring threaded by an A-B flux for sufficiently weak disorder is compatible with large free electron type persistent current obtained in recent studies of the above model

    Sufficient Conditions for Topological Order in Insulators

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    We prove the existence of low energy excitations in insulating systems at general filling factor under certain conditions, and discuss in which cases these may be identified as topological excitations. This proof is based on previously proven locality results. In the case of half-filling it provides a significantly shortened proof of the recent higher dimensional Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    The Complexity of Vector Spin Glasses

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    We study the annealed complexity of the m-vector spin glasses in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick limit. The eigenvalue spectrum of the Hessian matrix of the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer (TAP) free energy is found to consist of a continuous band of positive eigenvalues in addition to an isolated eigenvalue and (m-1) null eigenvalues due to rotational invariance. Rather surprisingly, the band does not extend to zero at any finite temperature. The isolated eigenvalue becomes zero in the thermodynamic limit, as in the Ising case (m=1), indicating that the same supersymmetry breaking recently found in Ising spin glasses occurs in vector spin glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Stability of the shell structure in 2D quantum dots

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    We study the effects of external impurities on the shell structure in semiconductor quantum dots by using a fast response-function method for solving the Kohn-Sham equations. We perform statistics of the addition energies up to 20 interacting electrons. The results show that the shell structure is generally preserved even if effects of high disorder are clear. The Coulomb interaction and the variation in ground-state spins have a strong effect on the addition-energy distributions, which in the noninteracting single-electron picture correspond to level statistics showing mixtures of Poisson and Wigner forms.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bosons in one-dimensional incommensurate superlattices

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    We investigate numerically the zero-temperature physics of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model in an incommensurate cosine potential, recently realized in experiments with cold bosons in optical superlattices L. Fallani et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 130404, (2007)]. An incommensurate cosine potential has intermediate properties between a truly periodic and a fully random potential, displaying a characteristic length scale (the quasi-period) which is shown to set a finite lower bound to the excitation energy of the system at special incommensurate fillings. This leads to the emergence of gapped incommensurate band-insulator (IBI) phases along with gapless Bose-glass (BG) phases for strong quasi-periodic potential, both for hardcore and softcore bosons. Enriching the spatial features of the potential by the addition of a second incommensurate component appears to remove the IBI regions, stabilizing a continuous BG phase over an extended parameter range. Moreover we discuss the validity of the local-density approximation in presence of a parabolic trap, clarifying the notion of a local BG phase in a trapped system; we investigate the behavior of first- and second-order coherence upon increasing the strength of the quasi-periodic potential; and we discuss the ab-initio derivation of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian with quasi-periodic potential starting from the microscopic Hamiltonian of bosons in an incommensurate superlattice.Comment: 22 pages, 28 figure

    Realistic model of correlated disorder and Anderson localization

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    A conducting 1D line or 2D plane inside (or on the surface of) an insulator is considered.Impurities displace the charges inside the insulator. This results in a long-range fluctuating electric field acting on the conducting line (plane). This field can be modeled by that of randomly distributed electric dipoles. This model provides a random correlated potential with decaying as 1/k . In the 1D case such correlations give essential corrections to the localization length but do not destroy Anderson localization

    Topological winding properties of spin edge states in Kane-Mele graphene model

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    We study the spin edge states in the quantum spin-Hall (QSH) effect on a single-atomic layer graphene ribbon system with both intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit couplings. The Harper equation for solving the energies of the spin edge states is derived. The results show that in the QSH phase, there are always two pairs of gapless spin-filtered edge states in the bulk energy gap, corresponding to two pairs of zero points of the Bloch function on the complex-energy Riemann surface (RS). The topological aspect of the QSH phase can be distinguished by the difference of the winding numbers of the spin edge states with different polarized directions cross the holes of the RS, which is equivalent to the Z2 topological invariance proposed by Kane and Mele [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 146802 (2005)].Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure
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